UP MS Migrant Health Programs

In Palermo with Erasmus+

Palermo group photo

Last December, I participated in a ShipCon Training in Palermo titled ICT SKills in Education funded by Erasmus plus staff mobility program. The training lasted for 5 days and during that we developed three projects in groups. I got the opportunity to lead one of these project groups which was a great challenge, however the assigned tasks proved to be very useful. One of the tasks was to solve an HR related matter by using Edmodo and online platforms only. The second one was to create a video with Filmora video editor about our daily work and free time in Palermo, and finally, we learned how to develop a structured folder for an EU project with the support of Dropbox. All these tools are very engaging, creative and can be used effectively in order to save time as well. We were also introduced to a Belbin test that let us form project groups with a mixture of people with different sets of skills ensuring the effectiveness of our groupwork.

We have not only participated in the course, but made fruitful connections as well. We also visited monuments in the city of Palermo in our free time and took part in an organized trip to Erice. As I stayed a weekend longer I also had a chance to visit Mount Etna and experience the ongoing eruptions.