UP MS Migrant Health Programs

WHO Public Health Panorama has launched a special issue on "Migration and Health"

The 2016 December issue of WHO Public Health Panorama provides a comprehensive picture of health aspects of migration. University of Pécs endowers on related training programs is also part of this overview. The title of the article: Developing training in migration health: University of Pécs Medical School.


„The rapidly growing influx of migrants and refugees has led WHO to call repeatedly for the development and/or strengthening of a migrant - sensitive health - care system in Member States.Until recently, the higher education system in Europe had not responded to this need. The University of Pécs Medical School has introduced both training and research in migration health as a new priority field. The training of medical students and health professionals is ongoing at three levels: compulsory and optional undergraduate training, and postgraduate training. The Operational Medicine Department of the University of Pécs Medical School works in close cooperation with the WHO Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe project. The University of Pécs is coordinating a consortium of six European higher education institutions to develop a new interdisciplinary curriculum: MSc in Migrant Health. The training programme will be launched in 2017 by the University of Pécs and Danube University Krems”

Public Health Panorama of WHO provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work, to facilitate the use of evidence and good practice for public health action.

You can find/download the full issue here: 


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Individual articles in English and Russian can be visited here: 
