UP MS Migrant Health Programs

WHO World Immunization Week 2020 in the shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Dear Participants of our previous, traditional WHO Immunization Week round-tables,

Dear Colleagues, Dear Website Visitors 


The current COVID-19 Pandemic underlines the high relevance of WHO traditional program, sentencing one week of each year for the importance of population level vaccination programs.  (I would recommend you to study the last paragraph, as a very relevant hypothesis of professor Ternák’s introductory article!)  That is why even among the current challenging conditions we would like to keep the traditions and aim to provide you a virtual way of information exchange. Pls. feel welcome to study the selected scientific reviews, focusing now on the current epidemiological situation.

We – as always – would also like to turn your attention on the most vulnerable people, and you are welcome to join to the ‘Leaving no one behind in the Covid-19 Pandemic: an urgent global call to action for inclusion of migrants & refugees in the Covid-19 response’ initiative.’ (See the paper below!)

If you would like to join with a relevant paper to the list below, you are most welcome!

We do believe that in April 2021 we will meet you in person again during the WHO Immunization Week round-table at University of Pécs.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Istvan Szilard and the WHO Collaborating Centre’s team at University of Pécs Medical School