In order to facilitate the realization of those tasks highlighted in numerous high level documents and declarations as well as acting in line with our WCC TOR, we propose that University of Pécs Medical School and its WCC, in cooperation with WHO EURO PHAME program and with the support and participation of the Government of Hungary, will organize a WHO EURO level symposium in 2019. The main goal of this event is to bring together leading experts in migrant health with the aim of working out the basic principles of a highly coherent and consistent European Migrant Health Database, as an essential tool for the ‘evidence based’ planning and development of public health and health care systems that are prepared and capable to address the new challenges. In line with our WCC’s other tasks and capacity, we may offer to develop and run training program as well for building the necessary human resource capacity in this field.
The title of the symposium will be the following Migration related health/public health challenges and needed responses – defining conditions for establishing a European level migration health database – a consensus conference and it will be held in Pécs, Hungary between mid September and early October, 2019.
We plan to organize plenary sessions as well as workshops dealing with connected issues. During the plenary sessions we will be introduced to an overview of WHO , ECDC, DG Santé, EUPHA migrant health statements, declarations and other related documents; overview of the already existing country level migrant health databases in WHO European Region, related endowers in Hungary, and experiences in the USA (CDC); feedback from the workshops and plenary level discussion of their proposals and the Drafting Committee introduces the Proposal for establishing a European Level Migration Health Database. Discussion and adoption of the document. The parallel workshops will cover the following issues,
- What kind of data should be collected? Data sources. (WHO, ECDC, EUPHA statements and proposals and overview of the related Member States level legislation and practices);
- Best practices – overview of the European and non-European practices, checking compatibility possibilities – composing suggestions;
- IT conditions for establishing a Europewide compatible and accessible database;
- Conditions for transferable migrant health data; legal, human rights and personality protection aspects – the way how to cope with them;
- How the necessary human resource could be provided/built – principles and structure of the training program;
The participation on the conference will be free of charge for a number of participants; registration will be open by the end of the year. For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..